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More than just massage therapy, we are creating holistic wellness.

Compassion Wellness Center is a full service massage and bodywork center. It was created as a safe place for those who are seeking relief from chronic pain in their body and to manage the symptoms of grief due to a recent or past loss. 


Grief and loss are not just defined by death, they are directly related to the loss of anything we are attached to. 

When we lose those things we hold dear to us we can experience physical symptoms.  The physical pain associated with grief and loss, when untreated, can manifest into dis-ease in the body. Massage and bodywork can help allieviate the symptoms of pain and allow the body to naturally heal and restore itself to a state of homeostasis or balance.



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Free Class

Therapeutic Massage and Coaching

Sound Therapy Services

Julia Briest Art

Wellness Retreats, Classes & Workshops

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